Day #3 - Hawaii


 Over the last few days we've had some great adventures! On Wednesday we woke up fairly early then called a cab to take us to the pearl harbor visitor center to get on a tour bus to take us to the USS (United.States.Ship) Missouri all so known as the Mighty Mo.

As we arrived we were a little bit late but made it just in time! our friendly tour guide named Ford seemed to know every single bit all the way down to even what kind of light bulbs were used in certain rooms!

It was very cool to see what life was like on the ship during world war II. So after the very fact filled tour of the USS Missouri we headed back to the hotel cleaned up then headed down the hotel restaurant for dinner. After we ate some very scrumptious food, we headed back to the room and slept like a log all night long! :-)

WWII Surrender Declaration


  1. Great-Grandpa enjoyed hearing about your trip to see the Mighty Mo. He loved seeing all the pictures you shared and named them all. Getting to see Pearl Harbor is pretty cool because it is such a big part of WW2 history. Til your next post, Cam! Hugs from your bug!

  2. the USS Missouri was really cool to see - so glad we went. Give Gramps a hug from us!


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