Father's Day in Kuta, Bali ~ Indonesia

<Derik> Only fitting that I chime in with a post on Fathers Day!

In total we've been on the island of Bali for 6 nights.  The first 3 in Amed which is about 3 hours by car to the northeast of Denpensar, and the last 3 in Kuta which is a pretty crazy place in comparison, filled with people on vacation/holiday primarily from other parts of Asia along with Australia/New Zealand.

Callie jumping waves at sunset
Our time here has been spent poolside at the hotel we're staying at our at the beach watching some amazing sunsets every evening.  The weather has been amazing at all our stops since we left MSP and Cath and I were just talking about how we haven't used a long sleeve anything yet.  We had fun tonight watching the sunset tonight during the summer solstice.

Bali has been a dream and both girls cannot wait to return.  The big challenge is the flight time and time change from the States to here as we are currently over 9,400 miles from home and 13 hours ahead. A tough one to do for a short trip.

Tomorrow we are heading to Singapore for a few days and we're really looking forward to the food and fun places to checkout from all of the good info we've received from friends and family alike.

<knock on wood>  Travel plans have gone off well to date.  The only snag so far is a our flight from London to Amsterdam got changed.  Usually not a big deal, however it was pushed back a full 24hours so I had to do some damage control there.

Camryn and her Brazilian friend Anna Clara
It is a ton of fun to watch the girls begin to earn their traveler stripes.  Callie is trying every food on the planet from crazy Japanese foods to Balinese style fish.  Camryn learned to count to 100 in Japanese, is making friends all over and even spent yesterday evening in Indonesia, with a girl from Brazil, speaking English and learning some Portuguese while having a blast dancing, watching a movie and playing games. Both are not afraid to try new things and are becoming pros at the ins and outs of traveling.  Our flight from Tokyo to Bali was 6 1/2 hours and they both said it felt a lot shorter than that.  I guess they are getting used to life on the road.  Next lesson to learn: the fine art of negotiation.

I may be the only guy on this journey, but God has blessed me with an amazing wife and 2 daughters that make me so proud to be their father.  I continue to be thankful and cannot believe how lucky we are to have the gift of time to get away from the daily grind and focusing on two girls who still love playing in the pool with me, telling jokes, and sharing places both new and old to me.  I am also overjoyed to be able to (re)connect with the love of my life. It is the first time in a long time where there hasn't been a constant need to check emails, respond to texts and voicemails etc.  These days will be cherished for many years to come.

Callie was kind enough to snap this shot while not be grossed out too much

Just a truckload of coconuts cruising down the road


  1. Love the posts and reading about all of your adventures! Always looking forward to hearing more!

  2. Brought tears to my eyes...so glad you are appreciative of the rare thing these days called "quality family time". You are all so fortunate to be spending it in a manner that will create lasting memories and bonds for a lifetime. Beautiful post...beautiful family


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