Our Arrival in Tokyo - Across the International Date Line

<Callie> Today we woke up in Hawaii and rented a stand up paddle board in the lagoon at the hotel. It was really fun! After that, we went up to our room and packed up and headed to the airport. We got to the airport and  got on our plane, it was VERY big! There were two isles. It was one of the biggest planes I have ever been on! There were TV's in the seats again. When we landed in Tokyo, we had to go get our bags then get on a train.

Mom had us stop to go to the bathroom.  When it was my turn, I went to the stall and I looked down and there was just a hole in the ground for
a bathroom.  I had no idea what to do!  I went out of the stall and said to mom  "I'm thirsty" and mom looked at me like...what are you doing?  I
thought to myself that was a very bad excuse so I said " I don't know where to put my backpack."  The people in line started looking at me funny then mom walks with me to the stall that was just a hole because I was holding up the line then she looked in and said  " Oh, go in the next one."  The next stall was normal and mom went in the hole in the ground one. It was funny and crazy!

Later, we got our bags and went down an escalator, we were in a hurry because we had to catch a train. When I looked back, Camryn was stopped and the bottom of the escalator looking very frantic and mom was tugging on her shoe.  I realized Camryn's shoelace had gotten stuck in the escalator and lots of people started getting backed up behind her!  Camryn and mom had to pull  hard but finally got her unstuck. So let's just say the first 5 minutes in Tokyo were full of surprises!

We got on the train then at Tokyo Station we were picked up by someone named Meg and she brought us to her apartment where we are staying. The train station was really crazy with so many people moving in so many different directions!  Meg is really nice and told us lot of things about Tokyo and the apartment.  After Meg left, we saw some buttons on the toilet so I pressed one and the toilet it started spraying water everywhere!  Camryn and I jumped out of the way and it sprayed on the wall and floor, it was crazy.  There are some very interesting
toilets in Japan.  After that, we went to bed after a long day of traveling.   We are ready to do some exploring now so Sayonara! (goodbye in Japanese.)


  1. Great post Callie Lol! ๐Ÿ˜„

  2. Good thing mom and dad didn't tell you everything ahead of time...makes the surprises that much more memorable! Great stories, Callie. Can't wait to hear more ๐Ÿ˜Š Lovebug

  3. Sounds like great fun already. The whole family is reading your blog and excited about your adventures. All is well in the neighborhood. We miss seeing you. The street is finally getting paved and getting our section back to normal before they tear up Elm. It is a good time to be away and miss all of this mess. Hope you continue to have safe travels! Ben, Robin, Hannah & Jacob.

    1. I must say I'll take travel over living through road construction anyday! Hope its back to normal soon.

    2. I must say I'll take travel over living through road construction anyday! Hope its back to normal soon.

  4. "I thought to myself that was a very bad excuse..." Hahaha, Callie, you have me in stitches!

  5. Loved reading this post of your adventures! Keep 'em coming.


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