Amsterdam, Netherlands (July 24 - 29)

<Cathy>   Despite the daily rain showers and cooler temps, we had a fantastic time in Amsterdam.  It’s a city that definitely has its own tempo.  There are bikes, boats, and pedestrians EVERYWHERE!  If you’re not paying attention, you are sure to step out in front of a cyclist as the roads, sidewalks, and bike lanes all blur together.  The bikes and cars don’t slow down as they approach the smaller non-regulated intersections – but they navigate beautifully every time.  It’s a total mystery to me.  
Feeding the swans from our houseboat

We arrived later on Friday and went straight to our AirB&B accommodation – a houseboat!  It was crazy cool to be staying right on the canal and the place was a true gem.  A big sliding picture window both in our living area and bedroom gave us a front row seat on the canal, where we fed the passing ducks and swans, waved to the tour boats gliding by plus a few locals out for a stroll too.
Pour me a glass of prosecco with some delicious local cheeses and that was how we spent our evenings on the houseboat. 
Waving at passing boats from the houseboat
Apparently, we were in town for Amsterdam’s storm of the century with the winds gusting up to 80 M.P.H.  Lots of trees were uprooted creating some additional chaos on the road and walkways.  The next day, Camryn started counting all the broken umbrellas left on the streets – she was up to 163 the last I checked.
Broken umbrellas!
Downed tree just outside Anne Frank house
We did squeeze in a few of the tourist items too.  We took both a pizza dinner cruise and an afternoon boat tour with commentary – great way to view the city and all the cool bridges from the canals as we watched the captains navigate these narrow waterways with amazing precision.

Rembrandt square

Floating Flower Market

We explored the Flower Market, Rembrandt square, Dam square, and Rijksmuseum’s grounds where the famous “Iamsterdam” sign is located.  We also took in a cheese tasting at the Reypenaer house.  So cool and definitely a favorite for all of us!  We tasted a bunch of different cheeses paired with wines and learned about the different ways cheese is ripened that gives it its different flavors.  What’s not to love, right?
Cheese tasting - obviously a serious task for some (not others)!
Connoisseur Callie

The Anne Frank House is a must see while in Amsterdam.  Callie finished reading the Diary the morning before our tour so it was all fresh in her mind.  Being in Anne’s home and seeing where she wrote, dreamed, and cried was a moving experience for each one of us.  It’s a timeless story for all ages and religions.  It makes you appreciate freedom and democracy so many times over. 
Outside Anne Frank House

Riddle Room - success in 51:21!
The next day, we tried our hand at one more puzzle room like the one in London.   These rooms have clues hidden all over that you need to solve and work through to get to a final clue that lets you escape a locked room in under an hour.  This one was called the Riddle Room and we were lucky enough to escape this time with a whopping 8.5 minutes to spare!  They are such cool adventures.
Amsterdam has all these small neighborhoods all over the city.  We stayed in a second AirB&B in Amsterdam and we were in a great location just off the Amstel river with a few quiet pubs literally within the block.  After putting the kids to bed, Derik and I would wander down to one of the local pubs to enjoy a pint before heading to bed.  Great way to unwind and get some time together without the kiddos. 

Yes - that's a cat waiting for her pint as well!
Evening unwind time!

Amsterdam is our last stop before we head back to the states.  How blessed we are to have had this journey of 4 lifetimes.  I know I may not appreciate it fully now, but I do know it is something I will reflect on often for many years to come.


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